Sports Medicine's Aspects You Should Know

by Jsantos, February 14, 2013

Sports Medicine Aspects you Should Know

One of Dr. Mead”s specialties is Sports Medicine. He has been treating athletes for the last 20 years and in Naples is the guy to go to when you get hurt while playing any sport.

Among the 3% of all orthopedic surgeons in the country to receive board certification in sports medicine… I think that says it all. That”s why local teams are always seeking his advice and refers athletes so he can return them to the field fast.

Well, the doctor has proven his expertise over and over when it comes to sports medicine. But, what is sports medicine? Better said, lets define sports medicine and some of the treatments/modalities used. I thought about this post because one day I was talking about the topic and somebody told me if sports medicine was a special medicine used for sports. Uhmmm… lets clarify this right now. For the purpose, lets use a good explanation I found by chiropractor Sal Arria. One of the main characters involved in the sports medicine equation. I am talking about chiropractors, just in case.

The proper definition

Sports Medicine is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention of athlete injuries, as well as dealing with the effects of exercise on the human body  for the enhacenment of athletic performance. Sports medicine is not restricted to the medical field: athletic trainers, coaches, and personal trainers are also involved. Going to an orthopedic surgeon comes when severe injuries occur. On the other hand, there are modalities used

to treat minor trauma.

What are the Therapeutic Modalities Used in Sports Medicine?

These are basically used in the prevention, management, and treatment of common athletic injuries and related problems:

1- Diathermy: A form of high-frecuency heat that penetrates injured tissues deeper and more effectively than other forms of heat therapy. Diathermy increases vasodilation (blood supply) needed for both carrying nutrients to and waste products away from injured tissues.

2- Electrostimulation: Typical use involves electrodes that create a contraction of the sorrounding musculature, reducing edema by pumping fluid out of the affected tissue.

3- Cryotherapy: The application of cold (in the form The racetrack duplicates the wheel – the order of the numbers is the same. of ice or chemical ice) to body tissues, for the purpose of pain releif and decreased swelling (via vasodilation).

4- Heat Therapy: Heating pads or hot a showers applied on the affected are. These are best when followed by ice, because heat alone causes static swelling.

5- Ultrasound: High-frecuency sound waves, which oscillate to penetrate 1 to 2-1/2 inches into muscle tissue. Ultrasound loosens or breaks up scar tissue and thight fibrous adhesions due to injury.

6- Hydrotherapy: The use of water as a therapeutic/recuperative means. The most common forms are contrast showers, baths and whirlpools.

There are more in the list. However, these are the most common. Again, these are considered when minor trauma. When shoulders, knees and other joints are seriusly comprimised, sports medicine migrates to orthopedic surgeons who would handle the case. If you want to check more information on the solutions when injures like this occur, take a look at our Sports Medicine section.

I think the medicine for sports” guy is now clear!



Orthopedic Corner | Leon Mead MD Orthopedic Doctor | 730 Goodlette Road North, Suite 201  Naples Florida 34102 | Phone: (239) 262-1119


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